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How To Make A Mojito Cocktail

This Cuban cocktail is made with only a few simple ingredients, but the end product is the right combination of sweet and sour, not to mention refreshing! What distinguishes this recipe as a five-star recipe? With authentic, fresh ingredients, it keeps faithful to the classic mojito. The recipe serves one,


5 Best Tequila Brands to Drink Right Now

Tequila has a lot more to it than meets the eye. Did you know that the best tequila brands can be found at J&J Alcohol Delivery. While basic margaritas are undeniably tasty, there’s a whole universe of tequila-based drinks out there, from colorful tequila sunrises to effervescent palomas—plus, top-shelf tequila


Top 5 Vodka Brands 2022

When you have the greatest vodka on your bar cart, the possibilities are unlimited. When you don’t have them we are here for you, contact J&J Alcohol Delivery for the best vodka brands. There are several high-end vodka brands on the market, including French vodka, Polish vodka, Russian vodka, and

red wine chilling

Red Wine Chilling Basics

When it comes to serving temperature, red wine is sometimes misunderstood. Many people believe that all red wines should be served chilled. This, on the other hand, is a relic of the past. Many red wines taste better when served cold. Red wine chilling changes its general structure and flavor,


Does Rum Go Bad?

Rum has steadily gained popularity as one of the most popular spirits in the business. This drink continues to change and reinvent itself despite its centuries of existence. Aside from its distinct flavor and texture, one of the allures of rum is how long it lasts in storage. Rum has

vodka gin

Vodka Vs Gin: Which To Choose?

Don’t feel bad if you’ve wondered if you should use vodka vs gin in a certain beverage. I’m a professional bartender who competes in cocktail competitions, and I think about this subject all the time. These spirits are sophisticated, fascinating, and enjoyable, much like the vodka vs gin argument. If


A Sweetness Guide of Champagne

Champagne Sweetness Guide: From Brut to Doux Champagne has seven degrees of sweetness, ranging from Brut to Doux. Brut is the most popular and accounts for 80-90 percent of all champagne sales. Doux is extremely difficult to find and is most likely only found in France because not much is

vodka cocktail

8 Easy Vodka Cocktails for Your Next Party

Nothing beats a party with drinks, friends, and delicious food. But what if you’re stuck with the same old cocktails? Why not try out some new vodka drinks?  In this piece, we’ll look at eight easy vodka cocktails and their recipes to make your next celebration one remember. We’ll also

old fashioned whiskies

The Best Old Fashioned Whiskies

The Incomparable Taste of Old Fashioned Whiskies In this world, there are two types of people: those who enjoy an Old Fashioned and those who do not. Most people who drink Old Fashioned cocktails on a daily basis have a strong preference for the type of whiskey used in their


Toasting to Perfection with Whiskies of 2021

With only a few days left in the year 2021, it’s time to reflect on what has happened in the last 12 months. There were plenty of highlights, at least in the world of whiskies. The revealing of fresh expressions across all subcategories of the spirit seemed to happen every

tequila shots

All 5 Tequila Categories Demystified

Tequila is one of the world’s most popular spirits, but it’s also one of the most perplexing. While most people are aware that tequila is derived entirely from agave, few are aware that it can only be produced in certain areas of Mexico.  Tequila can only be made in Jalisco


Top 8 tricks to look like a wine tasting expert

After many years of experience in the wine and spirits industry, I’ve discovered a set of attributes that most wine experts have in common. Here are a few tricks to help you appear like a pro while also enhancing your wine tasting sensory skills. 1. Know the Terminology Don’t know

Rosé Wine

Learn All About Rosé Wine

We probably don’t have to tell you that rosé wine has exploded in popularity in recent years. It appears like you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing about this pink beverage of choice, which was virtually non-existent on restaurant menus and wine stores a decade ago. Rosé is unquestionably